Carpathians (12)
Taking a trip along nature paths and tasting the regional delicacy. Acquainting young participants of the expedition with the traditions…
Additional Info
- Destination Babia Góra National Park
- Departure July 8th - 8am
- Return July 8th - 6pm
- Organizer Babia Góra National Park
- logo
- Website
- Contact person Grażyna Trybała
- Contact email
In this year we want to organize one event like Park Festival, Clean an Green or Night tour treking- stars…
Additional Info
- Destination Maramures County - Maramures Mountains Nature Park
- Departure July 8th
- Return July 9th
- Organizer NFA Maramures Mountains Nature Park
- logo
- Website
- Contact person Grosu Horia
- Contact email
This activity will be a combination of hiking, learning about nature and cullinary experiences. The participants will begin the jouney…
Additional Info
- Destination Parcul Naţional Călimani
- Departure July 8th
- Return July 9th
- Organizer National Forest Administration-Romsilva
- logo
- Website Parcul Naţional Călimani
- Contact person Cristinel Ortoanu
- Contact email
Această activitate se dorește să fie o combinare de drumeții, jocuri, experiențe artistice și istorice. Participanţii vor urca din oraşul…
Additional Info
- Destination Big Hasmas Peak (Național Cheile Bicazului-Hășmaș)
- Departure July 8th
- Return July 9th
- Organizer Parcul Național Cheile Bicazului-Hășmaș
- logo
- Website Parcul Național Cheile Bicazului-Hășmaș
- Contact person Hegyi Barna
- Contact email
A thematic excursion will be organized to one of the Piatra Craiului massiff peak's combined with thematic
Additional Info
- Destination Parcul National Piatra Craiului
- Departure July 8th
- Return July 9th
- Organizer RNP Romsilva - Administratia Parcului National Piatra Craiului R.A.
- logo
- Website Parcul National Piatra Craiului
- Contact person Andrea Kurta
- Contact email
În perioada 8 – 9 Iulie 2021, Administrația Parcului Național Retezat vă invită să participați la prima ediție a evenimentului…
Additional Info
- Destination Parcul Național Retezat
- Departure July 8th
- Return July 9th
- logo
- Website
- Contact person Lucia Ursu
- Contact email
The Apuseni Nature Park Administration in partnership with the Romanian Alpine Club and local entrepreneurs is organizing a two day…
Additional Info
- Destination Parcul Natural Apuseni
- Departure July 8th
- Return July 9th
- Organizer RNP Romsilva - Administratia Parcului Natural Apuseni R.A.
- logo
- Website
- Contact person Timea Izsak
- Contact email
We want to organize a field study trip for 2 days in alpine area of Rodna Mountains National Park with…
Additional Info
- Destination Putredu Peak (over 2.000 m high), alpine area, glacial circuses
- Departure July 8th
- Return July 9th
- Organizer Administratia Parcului National Muntii Roidnei
- logo
- Website
- Contact person Claudiu Iusan
- Contact email
V rámci podujatia budeme spoločne s mladými ľuďmi objavovať krásy prírody starej sopky v CHKO–BR Poľana. Predstavíme typické rastliny a…
Additional Info
- Destination CHKO Poľana
- Departure July 8th
- Return July 9th
- Organizer Správa CHKO Poľana
- logo
- Website
- Contact person Anna Gondová
- Contact email
We want to show jung people how to use lokal foood for the best type of disches. Explain the traditional…
Additional Info
- Destination Chránená krajinná oblasť Horná Orava
- Departure July 8th
- Return July 9th
- Organizer Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky
- logo
- Website
- Contact person Zuzana Kertysová
- Contact email
Additional Info
- Destination Pieniny National Park
- Departure July 8th
- Return July 9th
- Organizer State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic
- logo
- Website
- Contact person Margareta Malatinova
- Contact email
Počas podujatia budeme objavovať krásy prírody s mladými ľuďmi. Zameriame sa na zvieratá a rastliny, ktoré sú ohrozené a vzácne…
Additional Info
- Destination Slanske vrchy
- Departure July 8th
- Return July 9th
- Organizer Regional Centre of Nature Conservancy in Prešov
- logo
- Website
- Contact person Marta Hrešová
- Contact email