Local event will be at Orava lake, near wather and near wather biotop of NATURA 2000. Orava lake is also Protected birds area. We will work with wather form, wather biotops and wahter animals....



Četrtek, 07 April 2022 10:07

Nationalpark Berchtesgaden

Wir werden mit der Klasse vom Parkplatz Hinterbrand auf die Gotzenalm wandern und verschiedene Aktivitäten zum Thema Wasser und zum gemeinsamen Erleben der Natur machen. Auf der Alm beschäftigen wir uns dann noch mit dem Thema Wasserknappheit, da dies auf der Gotzenalm eine große Rolle spielt. Am Abend soll dann noch das Erleben der Berge bei Nacht Thema sein.


Četrtek, 31 Marec 2022 10:41

Parcul Naţional Călimani


This activity will be a combination of hiking, learning about nature and water experiences. The participants will begin at the Calimani National Park visiting centre and Saru Dornei Peat Bog (protected area located near the visiting centre) where they will learn about the importance of water in the protected area linked with the vegetation and animals. After that, the  journey will continue  from Saru Dornei, the most important access point to the Calimani National Park, at the Hut from the base of Calimaniul Cerbului Peak, where meals and accommodation will be organized (accommodation will be organized in tents, depending on the weather). The start of the hike will be in Gura Haitii on the blue point trail to the Calimaniul Cerbului Peak, where the group will see and learn information about the volcanic activities (Calimani Massif is volcanic mountain) connected with the mineral water resources located near the park. On the way, they will receive from park rangers information and learn about the flora and fauna of the Calimani National Park. Once they arrive, the group will accommodate and eat lunch. After lunch, they will have all kind of different activities like photo session, short videos and interviews and environment games. In the evening, the participants will be invited to participate at an experiment using a kit for water monitoring, learning about PH, temperature, turbidity and dissolved oxygen, using water taken from the springs encountered along the route. The water monitoring kits will be provided by Calimani National Park Administration. After diner, near camping place they will gaze at the stars and sharing tales.


Next day, after breakfast, the group will make a trip, on the alpine pastures, to see and study plants found in wetlands. They will see how plants adapt at the humidity conditions. After, another trail will be chosen for our way back to Saru Dornei. During the descent the group will serve lunch (picnik like).


During the event the group will participate to different artistic activities like photo session, short videos and interviews and environment games. Employees of the Calimani National Park will provide information on the habitats and species that relate to those habitats and geology of the area. The result of this activity will be a mountain / nature / water experience and awareness of the value of natural elements.



Activities foreseen: During the first day, the group will visit Calimani National Park visiting centre and Saru Dornei Peat Bog (protected area located near the visiting centre), where they will learn about the importance of water in the protected area linked with the vegetation and animals, will take a hike to Calimaniul Cerbului where the group will see and learn information about the volcanic activities, connected with the mineral water resources located near the park, the flora and fauna of the Calimani National Park. In the evening, the participants will be invited to participate at an experiment using a kit for water monitoring. After that, near camping place they will gaze at the stars and sharing tales. Next day, the group will make a trip, on the alpine pastures, to see and study plants found in wetlands. They will see how plants adapt at the humidity conditions. After, another trail will be chosen for our way back to Saru Dornei.  During the event the group will participate to different artistic activities like photo session, short videos and interviews and environmental games. Calimani National Park rangers will provide information on the habitats and species that relate to those habitats and geology of the area. The result of this activity will be a mountain / nature / water experience and awareness of the value of natural elements.



Četrtek, 31 Marec 2022 07:45

Ente Gestione Aree Protette Alpi Marittime


We would like to organize two days of trekking with overnight stay in a refuge. During the trekkin we would like to carry out activities dedicated to water, you know of a naturalistic nature, both scientific and recreational


Further possible local partners: Parco naturale Alpi Marittime -  Ecoturismo in Marittime -  Associazione Amico Parco Artist/photograph


Additional comment: At the moment we plan to involve 30 girls and boys with whom we have developed a Junior Ranger Alpi Marittime project who will be followed by 4 mentors (park employees or collaborators)


Sreda, 30 Marec 2022 15:01

Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

Übernachtung in einer Berghütte, baden im Bergsee und erklimmen in der Nacht (Dämmerung) eines Berges.

Aktivitäten: Baden im Bergsee, Thermalquellensteg Leukerbad

Această activitate se dorește să fie o combinare de drumeții, jocuri, experiențe artistice și istorice. Participanţii vor urca din oraşul Bălan, poarta de intrare în zona sudică al Parcului Național Cheile Bicazului-Hăşmaş, la Cabana Piatra Singuratică, aflată la 1450 m altitudine, unde va fi organizată masa și cazarea. A doua zi vor urca pe Vârful Hăşmaşul Mare (1798 m). Acolo vor putea observa pejsajul,  frumusețea masivului Hăşmaşul Mare și valea unde izvorește râul Olt, tematica principală al evenimentului. Tot a doua zi se vor întoarce la Bălan. Angajații Parcului Național Cheile Bicazului-Hăşmaş, pe parcursul acțiunii, vor oferi informații despre flora, fauna, geologia, legendele munților și râurilor din zona vizitată. Rezultatul acestei activități o să fie o experiență montană în natură pentru conștientizarea valorii elementelor naturale și un moment artistic care va consta din desenarea circuitului apei în natură și apariția izvoarelor râului Olt.

Activities on the common theme: Explaining and drawing the water circuit in nature and the appearance of the Olt river springs.


Further possible local partners: Asociația Culturală Botorka din Sândominic Artist/photograph

Petek, 25 Marec 2022 11:59

Parco Naturale Mont Avic

Escursione e pernottamento al Rifugio Barbustel, nel cuore del Parco Naturale Mont Avic


Accommodation: Rifugio Barbustel

Artist/photograph following the event?: Capoguardaparco Facchini Roberto

Attività: osservazioni ludico_didattiche sul tema dell'acqua


Sreda, 23 Marec 2022 10:32

Pieniny National Park

Activity: water testing, biomonitoring

Accomodation: kemp

Sreda, 23 Marec 2022 10:03

Parc naturel régional de Chartreuse


Activités: Pas encore défini

Accommodation: Bivouac sans tentes




Torek, 22 Marec 2022 10:53

Parcul Național Retezat


În data de 12 Iulie 2022, Administrația Parcului Național Retezat vă invită să participați la cea de-a doua ediție a evenimentului Youth at the Top în Retezat.

Acest eveniment se desfășoară la nivel international în mai multe arii protejate și situri naturale din Alpi și Carpați, unde grupuri de tineri sunt așteptați să participe la activități desfășurate în munte pentru a împărtăși o experiență fizică, educativă, culturală și artistică. Activitățile din acest an vor fi organizate în jurul temei comune: „Water in all its forms” (“Apa în toate formele sale”).


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