Četrtek, 22 April 2021 14:18

[Romania] Rodna Mountains National Park

We want to organize a field study trip for 2 days in alpine area of Rodna Mountains National Park with 4 rangers and 15 youngsters. The accommodation will be organised at a sheepfold up in the mountains. The program will include a variety of activities such as: monitoring of pray birds, monitoring of small mammals with live-traps, monitoring of moths with lighting traps with UV lights, inventorying of grasshoppers with entomological nets, inventorying of bats with nets and bat detectors, preparing traditional food as sheep cheese, shepherd polenta, inventorying of tinctorial plants, inventorying of medicinal plants used by local people, identifying sky constellations during the night.

Partners: ECO RODNA Association, Association of local sheep breeders, Borsa City Hall, ECO club, Association of Traditional Dancing from Sangeorz-Bai town

Ponedeljek, 19 April 2021 07:52

Réserve naturelle nationale de Passy / ASTERS

Montée au refuge de Moëde-Anterne avec des jeunes migrants. Découverte de la faune et de la flore de montagne.

Ponedeljek, 19 April 2021 07:51

Réserve Naturelle de Sixt-Passy / ASTERS

Montée au refuge de la Vogealle. Découverte de la RN de Sixt-Passy. Découverte de la faune de montagne. Diaporama sur la réserve le soir dans le refuge. Découverte du lac de la Vogealle le lendemain.

Nuit au refuge de Tré-la-Tête et découverte le lendemain du glacier de Tré-la-Tête avec les jeunes en difficulté sociale de l'EPDA de Passy. Observation des animaux de la montagne. Observation du glacier et découverte de son histoire. Problématique sur le changement climatique.


Petek, 16 April 2021 07:07

[Romania] Parcul Natural Apuseni

The Apuseni Nature Park Administration in partnership with the Romanian Alpine Club and local entrepreneurs is organizing a two day event in one of the most famous european karst areas.

Therefore, we are inviting schools from local communities to register their groups of students for the competition which is going to lead them towards a possible participation in this first edition of the Apuseni Youth of the Top (more information about the competition is about to come).

Highlights of the event:

- thematic trail with rangers from the Apuseni Nature Park Administration;
- birdwatching with the biologist of the Apuseni Nature Park Administration;
- astronomical observations with the Romanian Alpine Club (using telescopes and other astronomical instruments is part of this activity);
- local gastronomy workshop with local entrepreneurs;
- educational activities.


Četrtek, 15 April 2021 12:30

[Slovakia] CHKO Poľana

V rámci podujatia budeme spoločne s mladými ľuďmi objavovať krásy prírody starej sopky v CHKO–BR Poľana. Predstavíme typické rastliny a živočíchy  biotopov Poľany. Budeme pozorovať les a počúvať jeho zvuky, zahráme si enviro hry zamerané na populačnú dynamiku, viesť diskusie o biodiverzite, klimatickej kríze, o dôsledkoch ľudskej činnosti na prírodu. Vyberieme sa na vrchol NPR Zadná Poľana. Pripravíme si spoločne piknik z tradičných lokálnych jedál.  Piknikové menu bude mozaikou tradičných domácich receptov každého zo zúčastnených. Súčasťou bude spoznávanie domácej kuchyne každého zo zúčastnených. Vo večerných hodinách sledovanie západu slnka, počúvanie nočných zvukov pri ohnisku, čítanie povestí, spievanie piesní.


Četrtek, 15 April 2021 12:19

Naturpark Weissbach


Treffpunkt in Weißbach, danach Wanderung auf die Kallbrunnalm, eventuell  vorher durch den Seisenbergklamm, Besichtigung Käsehütte, Lagerfeuer.


Četrtek, 15 April 2021 10:00

Parco delle Orobie Valtellinesi


L'uscita di due giorni si svolgerà presso gli alpeggio nel Comune di Albosaggia.

La location è presso un laghetto alpino molto suggestivo presso il quale si svolgeranno attività didattiche per i partecipanti.


Accommodation: Rifugio in autogestione



Četrtek, 15 April 2021 07:35

Parco Naturale delle Prealpi Giulie

The event will be open to youngsters between 18 and 25 years old. It will be organized by the Youth Advisory Board of the Park, which will also care about promotion and spreading of results. The event will be held in Resia Valley and it will last about 24 hours. The afternoon of the 7th July will be dedicated to a workshop in an alpine dairy inside the area of the park, Malga Coot. Here the participants will have the opportunity to attend the production process of the cheese and other dairy products. Later in the afternoon participants will hike to Casera Canin, leaded by a park nature guide. Here they will have a common dinner with local product and traditional food. Then the night will be spent in the hut. The next morning (8th July) the group will hike to the top of mount Guarda with a park nature guide and a local expert about wild edible plants, important part of the alpine food tradition. The closure is planned around mid-day. If the COVID-19 situation wont allow the group to sleep in the mountain hut, all the activities will be brought out along one single day (8th July) with the following programme: hike to the top of mount Guarda in the morning, lunch with traditional food in Malga Coot and dairy production in the afternoon.


We want to show jung people how to use lokal foood for the best type of disches. Explain the traditional food preparation process, like cheese, bread or dumplings eaten by  shepherd of sheep in Orava. All food will be prepared in nature. Children will get acquainted with the traditions of sheep farming in Orava. They will learn to prepare food on the fire, use local ingredients. They get to know each other and make new friends with the older generation of Orava people. In this way, they preserve the traditions of the past.



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