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As part of the 10th edition of "Youth at the Top," the multifunctional pedagogical tool The Alps in My Backpack has been updated and enhanced. Originally developed in 2016 by the "Environmental Education in Alpine Protected Areas" working group, this simple yet powerful tool helps participating organizations address common environmental…
The 10th edition of the international event Youth at the Top will take place on July 18th 2024 (and the night of July 18th to 19th). Registration is already open! The common topic of this year’s edition is “Alpine Flowers and Pollinator Insects”. Protected areas, organizations, youth associations, local professionals,…
The Youth at the Top Video Contest is over! Around 30 of our member nature parks gathered children from across the Alps to take part in adventures to explore the mountainous wilderness - it was a great success! Following our theme 'Forest - The Almighty!', videos were sent from our…
We are pleased to announce that this year, there will be the first Youth at the Top video contest! The participants can give free rein to their creativity and record their experiences and impressions during the excursion through video recordings. Afterwards a jury selects the “best videos” which will be…
The information sheets (Annexes 1-4) are now available! They give additional information about the event (Appendix 1), show learning aids and tools for pedagogical activities (Appendix 2) and give suggestions for activities (Appendix 3). Appendix 4 gives instructions for the photo competition. Annex 1 & 2 are available in all…
The 9th edition of the international event Youth at the Top will take place on July 13th 2023 (and the night of July 13th to 14th). Registration is now open! The common topic of this year’s edition is “Forest – the Almighty”. Protected areas, organizations, youth associations, local professionals, and…
In 2022, young people and organizers were eager to finally get together after two tough years of Covid19, which demonstrated the high number of registrations. This 8th edition marked the return to a unique date. With a few exceptions, the various local events were held on 12 July 2022, thus…
Have a look at the 2022 project sheet! This document provides all information on the project, educational objectives and the general setting. Download the 2022 project-sheet: in English - in French - in German - in Italian You can find more useful details in the following documents: Appendix 1 -…
This very colorful publication gathers 26 local recipes from all over the Alps and includes drawings made by the young people who took part in Youth at the Top 2021. Each recipe is explained in the 4 Alpine languages + English. VISUALIZE THE BOOK DOWNLOAD THE PDF
This year the common theme for the event is “Local Food”. Thus, all the participant are invited to join the “International Cookbook” project. The idea is for each organization to provide us a recipe that would have been illustrated by the group during the event. ALPARC will collect all these…
"LOCAL FOOD"... The mere mention of Youth at the Top’s 2021 common theme certainly has something to make your mouth water. In the Alps, gastronomy is for many people synonymous with pleasure and conviviality. Yet, far beyond taste only, food has recently been at the heart of many societal issues.…
Have a look at the 2021 project sheet! This document provides all information on the project, educational objectives and the general setting. Download the 2021 project-sheet: in English - in French - in German - in Italian You can find more useful details in the following documents: Appendix 1 -…
In order to allow young people to experience an authentic immersion in nature, in 23 protected areas between the Alps and the Carpathians, mountain guides, rangers or educators participated in the 6th edition of Youth at the Top. In total, 28 events were held between July 16th and the beginning…
From 16th July until 30th September 2020 protected areas all over the Alps and Carpathians take groups of curious kids, teens and twens up to the mountains to experience the mountains in a diverse and creative way. This year's topic is "Alpine faune and climate change". Many young people show…
Youth at the Top works. Should I explain myself better? Well, it is an authentic experience in the mountains and in nature that allows young people to understand and ultimately respect the natural environment that surrounds them. In the Parc Naturel Régional de la Chartreuse, Sébastien was a sensitive guide…
Discovering the power of witches, outsmarting evil spirits and finding magical remedies in the mountain wilderness… Mountain educators and guides used these elements of fantasy to immerse the almost 600 young participants across 40 destinations in the Alps and Carpathians in an imaginary world to reconnect them with nature. This…
Myths and legends are part a of the Alps' and Carpathian's patrimony. They are rooted in natural landscapes and reflect the local culture. More importantly, they connect us to our natural environment and tie us to a common mountain identity. 'Myth and Mountain Legends' is the common theme for the…
Alps in my backpack was created by members of the Working Group “Mountain Environmental Education in Alpine Protected Areas”. It is a multifunctional pedagogical tool that can be used for a wide range of activities such as games and picnics. It can even be used during your event at Youth…
Need another reason to get excited for Youth at the Top? This year's edition will feature a video contest on the common theme "Myth and Mountain Legends." The first place group will win a trip to Berlin during the Reading Mountain Festival (December 11th, 2019)! More details on how to…
Peta izdaja mednarodnega dogodka "Mladi na vrhu" bo potekala 11. julija 2019 (v noči med 11. in 12. julijem 2019). Prijave so odprte! Skupna tema letošnje izdaje je "Gorski miti in legende". Zavarovana območja, organizacije, mladinska društva, lokalni poklicni delavci, planinske koče z vseh koncev Alp in Karpatov: vsi ste…
On the 12th and the 13th of July 2018, the 4th edition of Youth at the Top brought together more than 530 young people in 44 destinations all over the Alps and the Carpathians. The youngsters experienced two days hiking and spending the night in the mountains. During these two…
For the first time, Youth at the Top invites all participants to plan a thematic action within a common topic during the event. The common topic for this 4th edition is Climate Change and its impacts on mountain ecosystems. Prepared by Alparc, the Appendix 3 bellow presents some ideas on…
The Alps in my backpack was created by members of the Working Group “Mountain Environmental Education in Alpine Protected Areas” and is a multifunctional pedagogical tool to be used in animations on the field, in connection with the Alps, the mountain heritage and the alpine protected areas. Measuring 240 x…
Would you like to join us in the Youth at the Top adventure the 12th and 13th of July 2018? Would you like to organize an event in your area but you don't know how to do? Please download the official project sheet in your language and the Annex 1_…
A place where to write down a report of exciting experiences, a medium for artistic expressions, a mean to send a message to another group or simply a way to communicate their feelings and opinions: the postcards were widely used by the organisers and the young participants of the third edition…
Hundreds of young people met across the Alps and the Carpathians, all engaging in a great adventure spending one day and one night in the mountains.   The third edition of “Youth at the Top” took place on July 11th and July 12th in six Alpine countries and three countries…
The Appendix 2 to the Handbook is thought for all those partners of Youth at the Top who received the pedagogical tool "The Alps in my Backpack". In this short guide they will find some useful information concerning the tools and its contents as well as some tips on how…
The 3rd edition of Youth at the Top is few months away! On 11th - 12th July 2017 several groups of young people will gather in different places all over the Alps and the Carpathians to share a collective experience in the mountains. More than 50 events are currently being…
This Handbook is addressed to all the partners of Youth at the Top 2017 (protected areas, organizations, educators and animators) and anyone who is interested in taking part in the project in the next editions. It summarizes the values of the initiative, the commitments that partners are asked to fulfil…
Projekt, v okviru katerega vsako leto skupine mladih iz različnih alpskih in karpatskih dežel sodelujejo – s simboličnim in vizionarskim pristopom – pri aktivnem državljanskem pohodu. Projekt predvideva neki skupni okvir, obenem pa pušča veliko svobode lokalnim pobudam. Download the complete project sheet 2017 below - available in German, French,…
Discover some of the postcards sent by the "Youth at the Top" 2016 young participants. Have a look at the document below.ALPARC collected numbers of great messages written or drawn by the young people. The participants shared their impressions and vision regarding the Alps and mountains.
A short video clip expressing the atmosphere of the 2nd Edition of Youth at Top event is released this week during the Alpweek and the Alpine Conference in Grassau (Germany). See the video The video invites you to discover all the others videos produced by the young participants or by…
More than 500 kids and young people, together with ca.150 adults, took part in Youth at the top edition 2016! More than 50 events were scheduled, unfortunately the weather forced some of our partners to postpone the event or to cancel it. Nonetheless more than 40 brave partners maintained the…
"Jugend auf dem Gipfel" im Berchtesgadener LandNachtwanderung, Planspiele und Murmeltier-Beobachtung Berchtesgadener Land - "Begeisterung für den Schutz der Alpen wecken", dass ist das erklärte Ziel der Aktionstage "Jugend auf den Gipfel", die heuer zum 2. Mal in 8 Ländern des Alpenraums stattfanden. Bei den alpenweiten Aktionstagen „Jugend auf den Gipfel“…
Dear Youth at the Top partners, In 2015, the weather offered to the first edition of Youth at the Top, a brilliant sunshine on the whole Alpine region. In 2016, it’s a little bit complicated in some areas, particularly because of the forecast of storms. Some of you are therefore…
Here you will find the postcards of Youth at the top, something new for this project. Each participant will get a postcard and together with the group will write or draw on a bigger one (printed and carried by the organizers) which will be sent to ALPARC in order to…
Hüttenwochenende im Nationalpark: Alpenweite Jugendaktion im Juli Im Rahmen der internationalen Veranstaltung „Jugend auf den Gipfel“ bietet die Umweltbildung des Nationalparks auch in diesem Jahr eine Aktion für Jugendliche an. Von 1. bis 3. Juli 2016 findet ein Hüttenwochenende für 13- bis 15-Jährige auf der Königsbachalm statt. Ein Foto-Workshop steht…
The South Tyrol alpine club (Alpenverein Südtirol) AVS supports this collaborative, transnational initiative and tries to motivate as many of its youth groups as possible to participate in this activity. http://www.youth-at-the-top.org/en/events/italy/item/119-59-alpenverein-suedtirol
12. julija 2016 se bodo skupine mladih srečale v številnih zavarovanih območjih v Alpah, v želji po skupnem aktivnem, človeškem, kulturnem in umetniškem gorskem doživetju. Izhod v gore !Širom Alp je zaznati pomanjkanje stika med mladimi in gorami. So se oddaljili? Počasi smo se pričeli zavedati, da naši otroci in…
It is time to register for the 2016 edition that will be held from the 12th to 13th of July 2016 by returning the form before March 15th. Edition 2016: rendezvous on July 12th! Discover this initiative in pictures (1:19): https://youtu.be/wvqHo5D3XEk This is a strong symbolic time orientated to the…
We have great pleasure in presenting you this video which goes back over the highlights of the very successful first edition. Thank you to all who contributed! Feel free to share the 2015 video !
The 2nd edition of "Youth at the Top" will take place on Tuesday the 12th of July 2016 in the Alps and also in the Carpathians! If your are interested in organizing an event in your area, don't hesitate to contact us for more information: Ta e-poštni naslov je zaščiten proti smetenju. Za ogled potrebujete Javascript, da si jo ogledate.
Have a look at the teaser of the 1st edition of the "Youth at the Top" project ! Soon will be available the complete video presenting all the different actions .
Izjemen uspeh prve izvedbe mednarodnega projekta »Youth at the Top – Mladi na vrhu«! Ob pomoči lepega vremena, ki je s soncem obsijalo alpski lok, so se skupine zavzetih mladih udeležile prve izvedbe tega inovativnega projekta, ki predstavlja skupno aktivno, družbeno, kulturno in umetniško gorsko doživetje. Dne 16. in 17.…
Here it is the official map of the YAT edition 2015! Find out where the events and participating protected areas are located!
Youth at the top is made of many simultaneous events accross the Alps, offering young people an experience in mountains, in contact to Alpine nature!
Discover which are the 33 great places where “Youth at the top” will take place on July 16th!