Wednesday, 13 March 2024 07:49

Naturpark Fanes-Sennes-Prags

Auf der Jagd nach Wildblumen und Insekten in den Dolomiten! Spektakuläre Landschaften, die zu den schönsten der Welt gehören. Atemberaubende Vielfalt an Blumen – von den weitverbreiteten Pflanzen auf de Wiesen im Talboden, bis zu den seltenen Spezialisten, die an das raue Klima der Berge angepasst sind. Wusstet ihr, dass hinter ihrer Schönheit eine ganze Welt von bestäubenden Insekten steckt?

Alla ricerca di fiori e insetti nelle Dolomiti. Paesaggi spettacolari, tra i più belli del mondo. Una varietà moz-zafiato di fiori: dalle specie comuni diffuse nei prati di fondovalle ai rari specialisti adattati al rigido clima di montagna. Sapevate che dietro la loro bellezza si nasconde un intero mondo di insetti impollinatori?

Friday, 24 January 2020 13:46

2022 Participating Organizations

Youth at the Top works. 

Should I explain myself better? Well, it is an authentic experience in the mountains and in nature that allows young people to understand and ultimately respect the natural environment that surrounds them.

In the Parc Naturel Régional de la Chartreuse, Sébastien was a sensitive guide that helped the young participants appreciate the treasures of French Alps. He wisely chose an itinerary that allowed us to discover different ecosystems, edible plants, sources of water and to appreciate the view from the top of the Grand Som. 

The first day of excursion was dedicated to experiencing the ‘magic’ of the nature. Once reaching the location for the bivouac -the Granges de bovinant, an ancient pasture now being reconquered by the trees- we got rid of our heavy backpacks and roamed in the forest. First, we were introduced to some edible plants, like the Phyteuma spicatum, whose root tastes a bit like hazelnut. Then, we were blindfolded and barefoot to feel nature only with four senses. Under our feet we could feel the nature changing, from the dry harshness of the roots and the pines needles to some soft and humid grass. 

With our eyes wide opened, we entered the forest again where we meet an extravagant mountain inhabitant. Julie, an experienced actress, reminded us that in the past mountains were savage and scary. Dressed in animal fur (don’t worry, it was fake) and covered in mud, she told mountain myths about ancient Greek mythology in such a natural manner that the Alps become the perfect environment where Artemis or Zeus could transform themselves in animals. She told these stories to the rhythm of the sound of rock clashing against each other and an ancient instrument, of which we cannot even recall the name. 

At night we slept on the ground, protected only by the trees and our sleeping bags. At 4am, we woke up to the grunt of a doe, who ran around the camp and returned to the forest.

After a fulfilling breakfast, we refilled our bottles at a spring and got ready to reach the top. From the Granges de bovinant -1000m- to the summit of Grand Som -2026m with some stops along the way to drink water or to observe our surroundings with binoculars. 

When we conquered the top, we ate a well-deserved lunch while enjoying the view. On the one side “La Grande Chartreuse” -the monastery of the Carthusian Order- on the other, the lake of Burget and Saint-Pierre-d’Entremont. All around us was mountains and forests. 

On the way back the kids were looking for edible flowers. When they found a spot with a considerable number of Phyteuma they stopped, they wanted to collect one, but they reminded themselves that we did have food and we were not in an emergency, so we shouldn’t take from the nature. This is the moment in which I realised that Youth at the Top it’s a great way to make young people aware of their surrounding and of the necessity of nature conservation.


Tuesday, 23 July 2019 15:10

Press Release - Youth at the Top 2019

Discovering the power of witches, outsmarting evil spirits and finding magical remedies in the mountain wilderness… Mountain educators and guides used these elements of fantasy to immerse the almost 600 young participants across 40 destinations in the Alps and Carpathians in an imaginary world to reconnect them with nature. This was all part of the 5th edition of Youth at the Top’s common theme “Myth and Mountain Legends”.

The press release for this year's event is now available. Scroll down to find it English, French, Italian, German and Slovenian








Dal 8 al 12 luglio si terrà il Monviso MaB Camp, campo residenziale con workshop e attività dedicate nel territorio del Parco del Monviso per coinvolgere i ragazzi sui temi e gli obiettivi dell'Agenda 2030 e sul programma UNESCO Man & Biosphere.

Traversée du massif Natura 2000 du Roc d'Enfer avec bivouac pour un groupe de jeunes de l'association Reliance.


Thursday, 25 April 2019 10:04

Nationalpark Kalkalpen

Von 8. - 12. Juli 2019 findet im Nationalpark Kalkalpen "WildnisCamp für Kids" statt. Im Zuge dieser Veranstaltung und bei den Streifzügen durch die Waldwildnis werden wir uns an der Aktion Youth at the top beteiligen



Myths and legends are part a of the Alps' and Carpathian's patrimony. They are rooted in natural landscapes and reflect the local culture. More importantly, they connect us to our natural environment and tie us to a common mountain identity. 

'Myth and Mountain Legends' is the common theme for the 5th edition of Youth at the Top, which will take place from July 11th - 12th, 2019. If you are looking for ways to integrate this theme into your event, Appendix 3 provides suggested activities of how to do this, ranging from telling stories by the campfire to playing guessing games.   

Please scroll down to download Appendix 3: Myth and Mountain Legend Activities now available in English, French, Italian and German.









Wednesday, 24 April 2019 14:21

Pedagogical Tool 'Alps in my Backpack'

Alps in my backpack was created by members of the Working Group “Mountain Environmental Education in Alpine Protected Areas”. It is a multifunctional pedagogical tool that can be used for a wide range of activities such as games and picnics. It can even be used during your event at Youth at the Top 2019! Measuring 240 x 150 cm and printed on a resistant fabric, it presents the map of the Alps and their main protected areas. It's a great way to get kids to learn more about the Alpine region and identity!  


Please scroll down to find the document available in English, French, Italian, German, and Slovak. 







Wednesday, 24 April 2019 14:00

Appendix 1: Feedback Checklist

Need another reason to get excited for Youth at the Top?  This year's edition will feature a video contest on the common theme "Myth and Mountain Legends." The first place group will win a trip to Berlin during the Reading Mountain Festival (December 11th, 2019)! 

More details on how to participate will be available at the end of May. In the meantime, please download the project sheet Appendix 1 to see how to provide with us pictures, videos and feedback on the event. 


Appendix 1 is available in English, French, Italian and German






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