This page lists the local events scheduled across Europe for the 2024 edition.
As the registration process is ongoing, more events will be listed soon!

Registration: If you would like to organize a local event in the framework of "Youth at the Top", you need to register.

Registration is possible from March 7th until April 30th 2024.

Register here

Piatra Craiului National Park (RO)

Ne propunem să desfășurăm drumeții și activități tematice cu participarea unui grup de copii din comunitățile limitrofe Parcului Național Piatra Craiului.

Additional Info

  • Destination: Piatra Craiului National Park
  • Departure: July 13th
  • Return: July 14th
  • Organizer: NFA Romsilva - Piatra Craiului National Park Administration R.A.
  • Contact person: Andrea Kurta
  • Contact Telephone: +40748127421