This page lists the local events scheduled across Europe for the 2024 edition.
As the registration process is ongoing, more events will be listed soon!

Registration: If you would like to organize a local event in the framework of "Youth at the Top", you need to register.

Registration is possible from March 7th until April 30th 2024.

Register here

Pieniny National Park (SK)

A tour of the flower meadows in Pieniny, a meeting with a local beekeeper and getting to know insects.

Dodatne informacije

  • Destinacija: Červený Kláštor
  • Odhod: July 18th
  • Nazaj: July 19th
  • Organizator: Správa Pieninského národného parku so sídlom v Spišskej Starej Vsi
  • Kontaktna oseba: Margaréta Malatinová