Each year, a common theme links all the local events. It is also the occasion to reconnect the youth to its natural and cultural environment by addressing various essential topics. In previous editions, kids and teens from the Alps and the Carpathians have took part on educative activities related to different common themes such as: “Forest - the Almighty”, "Water in all its forms" or “Myths and mountain legends”.
"Alpine Flowers and pollinator insects" is the common theme of the 10th edtition 2024.
Alpine flowers and their pollinating insects share a special bond, essential for keeping nature diverse. Their importance lies for example in sustaining mountain ecosystems and providing essential resources for other species. They are well adapted to their alpine environment and high altitude conditions. But climate change and habitat loss pose serious challenges, putting their balance at risk.
Let's dive together into the fascinating world of alpine flowers and their pollinating insects, not only learning intriguing facts but also discovering them in nature.