2023 edition

In 2023, the 9th edition of Youth at the Top took place. 27 protected areas organized a totoal of 28 local events across 8 countries of the Alps and Carpathians. More than 450 young participants spent time together in the mountains, experienced nature and learnt about the common theme "Forest - the Almighty". 

A special event was the video contest which was carried out after the events. See the winning videos here.


Carpathians (7)

We will learn about forest communities of plants and animals, biodiversity and the cycle of life in nature. We will…

Dodatne informacije

  • Destinacija Biosférická rezervácia Poľana
  • Odhod July 13th
  • Nazaj July 14th
  • Organizator Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky
  • Kontaktna oseba Anna Gondová
Naučíme sa zákony lesov, budeme pozorovať ich druhy, hľadať ich silu a poklady... Naučíme sa že nie je les ako…

Dodatne informacije

  În data de 13 Iulie 2023, Administrația Parcului Național Retezat vă invită să participați la cea de-a treia ediție…

Dodatne informacije

  • Destinacija Parcul Național Retezat
  • Odhod July 13th
  • Nazaj July 14th
  • Kontaktna oseba Lucia Ursu
  • Telefon +40742120469
Ne propunem să desfășurăm drumeții și activități tematice cu participarea unui grup de copii din comunitățile limitrofe Parcului Național Piatra…

Dodatne informacije

  • Destinacija Piatra Craiului National Park
  • Odhod July 13th
  • Nazaj July 14th
  • Organizator NFA Romsilva - Piatra Craiului National Park Administration R.A.
  • Kontaktna oseba Andrea Kurta
  • Telefon +40748127421
Excursion to primeval forests, forest development cycle Accomodation: camping

Dodatne informacije

  • Destinacija Pieniny National Park
  • Odhod July 13th
  • Nazaj July 14th
  • Organizator Správa Pieninského národného parku so sídlom v Spišskej Starej Vsi
  • Kontaktna oseba Margareta Malatinova
Počas podujatia budeme objavovať krásy prírody s mladými ľuďmi. Zameriame sa na zvieratá a rastliny, ktoré sú ohrozené a vzácne…

Dodatne informacije

We will organize a youth camp at the limit of forest in subalpine area at the Dealu Negru Peak alpine…

Dodatne informacije

  • Destinacija Ineu Peak (2.279 m), Lala Valley
  • Odhod July 13th
  • Nazaj July 14th
  • Organizator Administratia Parcului National Muntii Roidnei
  • Kontaktna oseba Claudiu Iusan