Will be involved around 10 children who took part at least once in our Wilderness Survival Camp children who have little possibilities to be in natural environment. We plan to address children from the vicinity of the town Revúca.A walk through Muránska planina to the place of overnight stay. During the walk we will watch the traces of wild animals (ungulates, large carnivores…). During the eveining and night a night sky observation will take place (as there is almost zero light pollution at the site of Studňa) as well as identification of forest animals’ sounds
Mládež v horách. Spoznaj Muránsku planinu
Weitere Informationen
- Reiseziel: Studňa, Maretkina
- Abfahrt: Maretkina, 12. jul 2016, 7:30 hod.
- Rückkehr: Muráň, 13. jul 2016, 13:00 hod
- Organisator: Muránska planina National Park
- Website: www.npmp.sk
- Mitorganisator: CNPA
- Website 2: http://www.carpathianparks.org
- Ansprechpartner: Barbora Leštáková
- email: barbora.lestakova@sopsr.sk ; tereza.thompson@sopsr.sk
- Telefon: 00421 911 062 358
01.Muranska planina national park 01.Muranska planina national park
02.Muranska planina national park 02.Muranska planina national park
03.Muranska planina national park 03.Muranska planina national park
04.Muranska planina national park 04.Muranska planina national park
05.Muranska planina national park 05.Muranska planina national park
06.Muranska planina national park 06.Muranska planina national park
07.Muranska planina national park 07.Muranska planina national park
08.Muranska planina national park 08.Muranska planina national park
09.Muranska planina national park 09.Muranska planina national park
10.Muranska planina national park 10.Muranska planina national park
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