Triglav National Park 3

The excursions will take us to the mountains, where we will explain the basic concepts and processes of climate change, adaptation to them in the field of transportation, energy, construction and spatial planning, use of water resources, etc.
Natural educational days will be held as part of the project Together for the Alps - Alpine Convention. Together with the YOUTH ON TOP project activities of this year's edition will be inspired by the common theme "Alpine animals and climate change".
In addition to the guide of the Triglav National Park and with the help of different experts, a special guest Nik Škrlec, actor and leader of the Male sive celice quiz, will join us on the way to the top.



Tokrat se bomo odpravili na izlet v okviru projekta Skupaj za Alpe - Alpska konvencija. Izpred osnovne šole se bomo odpravili na bližnji vrh, ker bomo s pomočjo strokovnjakov razložili osnovne pojme in procese podnebnih sprememb, prilagajanje nanje na področju prometa, energetike, gradnje in urejanja prostora, rabe vodnih virov ipd. Skupaj s projektom MLADI NA VRH se bodo dejavnosti letošnje izdaje navdihovale ob skupni temi »Alpske živali in podnebne spremembe«.


Na ekskurziji se nam bo poleg vodnika, nadzornika, strokovnjakov Triglavskega narodnega parka in strokovnjaka s področja gozdarstva pridružil tudi poseben gost Nik Škrlec, igralec in voditelj kviza Male sive celice.


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