mardi, 06 avril 2021 08:23

[Poland] Babia Góra National Park


Taking a trip along nature paths and tasting the regional delicacy. Acquainting young participants of the expedition with the traditions and their culture at Babia Góra.


mercredi, 31 mars 2021 13:01

LOCAL FOOD - Suggestions of activities

"LOCAL FOOD"... The mere mention of Youth at the Top’s 2021 common theme certainly has something to make your mouth water. In the Alps, gastronomy is for many people synonymous with pleasure and conviviality. Yet, far beyond taste only, food has recently been at the heart of many societal issues. Whether we talk about «junk food,» «animal welfare» or «organic farming», the question is the same: what diet can we adopt without doing any harm?

This document offers some potential avenues and activities to address the theme «Local Food» in many aspects. If taste is not forgotten, a cultural, social and even historical vision of food is also possible. Of course, issues related to ecology and biodiversity - so paramount in our mountains - are also at the heart of the topic! Enough to offer the young people of this 7th edition activities as fun as informative!

Download the document: Local Food - Suggestions of activities

vendredi, 26 mars 2021 14:18

Biosphärenpark Nockberge

Wir wollen Biosphärenpark Produktpartner besuchen und aus diesen kennengelernten Produkten das Abendessen zubereiten.

jeudi, 25 mars 2021 15:27

Nationalpark Berchtesgaden

Unser Ziel ist eine Alm im Nationalpark Berchtesgaden. Dort wollen wir uns die Vielfalt und Besonderheit dieses Lebensraums genauer anschauen. Bei der gemeinsamen Brotzeit kosten wir von den verschiedenen Produkten, die auf unseren Almen im Nationalpark erzeugt werden.

mardi, 23 mars 2021 13:19

Nationalpark Gesaeuse

Lokal, regional, saisonal – und das hoch oben in den Gesäusebergen! Geht das? Definitiv!

Auf der Grabneralm gibt es einige Möglichkeiten, sich den Bauch mit Leckereien vollzuschlagen und zu erleben, wie Nahrungsmittel auf der Alm hergestellt werden. Sei dabei, dann kugeln wir nach zwei genussreichen Tagen gemeinsam wieder hinab ins Tal.


lundi, 15 mars 2021 14:46

[Romania] Parcul Naţional Călimani

This activity will be a combination of hiking, learning about nature and cullinary experiences. The participants will begin the jouney from Saru Dornei, the most important access point to the Calimani National Park, at the Hut from the base of Calimaniul Cerbului Peak, where meals and accommodation will be organized (accommodation will be organized in tents, depending on the weather).

The start of the hike will be in Gura Haitii on the blue point trail to the Calimaniul Cerbului Peak, where the group will see and learn information about the volcanic activities (Calimani Massif is volcanic mountain). On the way they will receive from rangers information and learn about the flora and fauna of the Calimani National Park. Once they arrive, the group will accommodate and eat lunch. After lunch, they will have all kind of different activities like photo session, short videos and interviews and environmental games. In the evening, the participants will invited to take place at a local food tasting event, that will be organized by local cook. After that, near camping place they will gaze at the stars and sharing tales around the camp fire.

Next day, after breakfast, the group will make a trip, on the alpine pastures, to a local shepherd hut. They will see how shepherds produce all kind of local food from fresh milk, during their staying with the animals in the alpine pastures area. After, another trail will be chosen for our way back to Saru Dornei. During the descent the group will serve lunch (picnic like). During the event the group will participate to different artistic activities like photo session, short videos and interviews and environmental games. Employees of the Calimani National Park will provide information on the habitats and species that relate to those habitats and geology of the area. The result of this activity will be a mountain / nature / cullinary experience and awareness of the value of natural elements.

vendredi, 12 mars 2021 09:09

Nationalpark Hohe Tauern Tirol

Wir erkunden das hinterste Defereggental und besuchen die Bauern im Oberhauser Zirbenwald - hier holen wir uns frischen Topfen und weitere Zutaten für die Jause. Unterwegs nehmen wir alle essbaren Kräuter mit und bei der Mühle am Staller Bach holen wir unsere selbstgemahlenes Mehl ab. Gemeinsam werden wir dann im Haus des Wassers im Defereggental unser Brot backen, köstliche Aufstriche zubereiten und alles vernaschen.


Această activitate se dorește să fie o combinare de drumeții, jocuri, experiențe artistice și istorice. Participanţii vor urca din oraşul Bălan, poarta de intrare în zona sudică al Parcului Național Cheile Bicazului-Hăşmaş, la Cabana Piatra Singuratică, aflată la 1450 m altitudine, unde va fi organizată masa și cazarea. În a doua parte a zilei participanții cu ajutorul bucătăresei Cabanei de la Piatra Singuratică vor participa la pregătirea și gătirea cinei, care va fi o mâncare tradițională cu specific montan, după rețete utilizate de ciobani din zonă și dacă vremea va permite această mâncare va fi savurată seara lângă un foc da tabără. A doua zi vor urca pe Vârful Hăşmaşul Mare (1798 m). Acolo vor putea observa pejsajul și frumusețea masivului Hăşmaşul Mare. Pe parcursul traseului va  fi atins și un loc parcă uitat de timp, un locaș ciobănesc, unde incă se prelucrează în mod traditional laptele și unde participanții vor degusta produse tradiționale, făcute după tradiții vechi de mii de ani. Tot a doua zi se vor întoarce la Bălan. Angajații Parcului Național Cheile Bicazului-Hăşmaş, pe parcursul acțiunii, vor oferi informații despre flora, fauna, geologia, legendele munților și râurilor din zona vizitată. Rezultatul acestei activități o să fie o experiență montană în natură/pentru natură și pentru conștientizarea valorii elementelor natural și tradiționale.

vendredi, 12 mars 2021 08:50

[Romania] Parcul National Piatra Craiului

A thematic excursion will be organized to one of the Piatra Craiului massiff peak's combined with thematic

vendredi, 12 mars 2021 08:42

Naturpark Nagelfluhkette

Die Alpwirtschaft prägt unsere Region. Auf den Alpflächen wachsen viele leckere Kräuter, die die Kühe gern fressen. Artenreiche Wiesen bestimmen daher auch den Geschmack von Milch, Käse und Quark. Eine der Alpen werden wir besuchen und dabei viel über regionale Produkte erfahren. Und vielleicht verrät uns die Älpler-Familie ja auch ihr Original-Kässpatzn-Rezept.

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